Embracing Equality.
Supporting Transformation.
Realizing your Potential.



We believe in the power of a curated, informal, network of women that both encourages and promotes empowerment and advocacy.


Our mission is only as strong as our network. We are committed to cultivating an environment, where professionals, who are vested in making growth and change happen feel empowered to do so.


We possess a purpose-driven mentality at our core, which is why we are committed to paying it forward to those, from entry level to executive, serving in the Ad Tech and Media space.


TechBae has emerged as a much needed community, supporting and uplifting under-represented women, while simultaneously playing a critical and active role in nurturing the advancement of women in media and ad tech.

Discover more about who we are and how it all started…

TechBae CoFounders


TechBae creates opportunities for seasoned and junior professionals to connect at events centered around thought-provoking content. Whether its our next virtual event (or in-person once we get back), join us to discover the TechBae way, a high-impact experience all its own – filled with enthusiastic energy and and an infused sense of community.



What is the community saying about TechBae?

“TechBae is providing a way for advertising and technology professionals to build relationships while sharing genuine, real life, and professional stories as well as career navigation tactics. The fierce and fabulous founders not only exemplify authenticity, compassion, and empowerment, but are also extremely successful and knowledgeable about the advertising and tech industry. Thanks to these amazing ladies for creating something special and always doing it the right way.”

Jamie Calandruccio
SVP Advanced Advertising Solutions, Channel Media Solutions

“TechBae is the first group that I have belonged to that was founded by senior women across all media entities, with priority goals to pay it forward, help open current and future doors and to advocate for professional and personal growth. The inclusiveness and advocacy, to help guide success in life and career, is such a major benefit to all participants. The caliber of the founding women and the ensuing friendships, networking and mentorship is unparalleled to any other organization I have ever been aligned to…”

Wendy Lee
SVP Portfolio Analytics Disney

“TechBae has emerged as a much needed community, supporting and uplifting under-represented women and critical to nurturing the advancement of women in ad tech.

Dina Weisberger

“Being a part of TechBae started as a way to push myself outside my comfort zone and connect with people I hadn’t met before… it proved to be so much more. It evolved into a genuine source of community, empowering me informally through conversations over shared experiences, and formally through inspiring panels and even a coaching session. From a personal standpoint – TechBae evolved during a professionally and personally challenging time period for me, so it quickly became something I looked forward to and came out of feeling energized. One of the most rewarding takeaways I’ve taken from TechBae is how it’s snowballed into other parts of my life; it inspired me to get involved in The Women’s Network at my company, and I now am a Chair on the leadership team for the group. TechBae sparked a new approach in how I connect with other women, and a real commitment to take a part in helping grow women’s careers in advertising technology.”

Nicole Mogollan
Director, Strategic Planning & Pricing, Xandr

“TechBae is someone who is fundamentally in your corner. They will tell you the good, be your cheerleader, and celebrate your wins. Equally important, they will lend an ear and tell you how it is, especially when you don’t want to hear it. A TechBae is someone who offers input that allows you to see a different perspective without being overbearing. If I had to sum it up, a TechBae is someone who is your champion, your cheerleader, your mentor, your constructive critic, and your teacher. They keep you grounded while celebrating your achievements.”

Tanya Davis
VP Revenue Systems, Tegna
Working together we are unstoppable!